

Lebanon has a heritage almost as old as the earliest evidence of mankind. Its geographic position as a crossroads linking the Mediterranean Basin with the great Asian hinterland has conferred on it a cosmopolitan character and a multicultural legacy. Lebanon has an Arab culture colored by Western influences.

At different periods of its history, Lebanon has come under the domination of foreign rulers, including Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Ottomans. Although often conquered, the Lebanese take pride in their rebellions against despotic and repressive rulers. Moreover, despite foreign domination, Lebanon’s mountainous terrain has provided it with a certain protective isolation, enabling it to survive with an identity all its own.



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Bästa stränderna i Kalifornia

Bästa stränderna i Kalifornia

There is a long list of criteria that we use to evaluate beaches, but in some cases they just stand out due to their wow factor. We consider the views, scenery, people that frequent the beach, natural features to discover, walkability, and more. For the 2016 list and all future annual lists we will select the top